
A gift from me to you...

Okay can you imagine me singing the Happy Little Working Song right now? No? Okay, I'm no Amy Adams, but I had to share these... if you have stainless steel appliances and/or a stainless steel sink, run, don't walk, to Home Depot and get these cleaners. My dishwasher is free of water streaks for the first time since we moved in because of this... (My bottle doesn't look EXACTLY like this, but you get the idea)

and now my sink looks almost brand new and scratch-free again because of this...



Courtney said...

Nate just did ours too....he just cleaned it and wiped it down with olive oil which is cheaper and super great! They look brand new!

Amberly said...

I love these tips! You know when you find these things, you just need to buy two and bring one down the street!