I definitely have my favorites, hello Siobhan! And Casey! But I've yet to fall head over heels over any performance yet - we'll see if they get any better.
Glad that Regina-Specter wannabe Lacey is gone.
I would have liked to see Paige AND Tim go home last night, but I'm sure he'll leave next week. Put him on Disney Channel and he'll fit right in.
I dig Didi's voice and vibe more and more, but the judges seem to have a love/hate thing going with her, so I don't know how long she'll last.
Katie, hmmm... I sort of like her, but not as much as I did during auditions.
Big Mike - I swear, if anyone ever put "Big" in front of my name I would HURT them. You?
It's sick how much the judges swoon over Crystal. She does seem to have gotten nicer, so I'll give her props for that, and she tries to appear more made-up and more girly every Tuesday night, doesn't she?
N says that Andrew Garcia looks like this Korean dude, especially with the jacket he had on last night.
My girls like Aaron Kelly - don't ask me why?? It should be a crime to sing that Aerosmith song as country! Grrr...
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