

I'm trying to get on here and post at least our happenings week-by-week each month... I can't believe it's already the end of February, gah, where is this year going already?? It's going to be blistering hot before I know it, yuck.
• New glasses have arrived, and are being worn non-stop. HOORAY for being able to see again, now my friends can stop making fun of me for closing one eye when trying to read.
• Sickness. It's run rampant through most of us, me especially this month. I'm tired of paying for co-pays and prescriptions, when it seems everyone is still coughing!
• Parent-teacher conferences. Girls are doing great in school, and have lots of friends. A's teacher is just SO darn impressed with her and her love of reading. A had three As, and M only had two. It's a little disconcerting to me to see all those Bs on a report card, but I just have to keep reminding myself that they're only in 4th and 2nd grades, we're not trying to qualify for any scholarships quite yet, and they know the material really well... sometimes there are just silly, sloppy mistakes that are bringing down the grades.
• Boys. M thinks that one of the boys in her class likes her. (Alex? Alan? I can't remember.) He's constantly fawning over her, and it's kind of funny to hear her reaction to him. A had a friend from school call her the other day... and she actually went up in her room to sit in her chair to chat with him. I haven't gotten the scoop on who it was or exactly why he was calling, but it kind of gave me a flash-forward on the teenage years, woah. A has started to ask questions... it's time for a talk.
• I was in charge of A's MUCH ANTICIPATED Valentine party at school. With the school being so rigid and structured all of the time, the kids really look forward to the few events they have each year... I'd have to say this party was a hit. Sugar cookies & milk and a few super-fun games was all it took to make a bunch of 10-year-olds go crazy!
• We made homemade Valentines this year, which made me remember why we do not make homemade Valentines anymore. We made about sixty "I Mustache you a Question - will you be my Valentine?" cards for the girls' classes, along with sticky-felt mustaches to go along with them. The kids LOVED them. When I walked into A's class half the class were wearing them... too funny! I never did get the grandparents' cards sent, sigh. Yet another of my unfinished projects. Story of my life.
• Valentines Day came and went with lots of thinking about Grandma V and her sweet influence she has had on our family.
• The weather is awesome! Seriously, you gotta love AZ.
• Friends. Our kids have started playing in OUR backyard a lot lately, which is such a relief... I was so tired of them escaping to other kids' houses in the neighborhood and never knowing exactly where they were. Just in the last week, they've started playing a lot with the neighbor girls that live directly behind us (ages 7 and 4) and that's kept them at home. Yay!
• Vinyl. Still a slow trickle... starting to think about putting an actual website together, and getting the ball rolling for that! Excited.
• Doctors, doctors, doctors. Finally went to see someone about my knee pain. Prognosis? Doctor thought it was meniscus damage, but it wasn't. MRI Results? Couldn't understand the lingo they used on the message they left me, but the next step is picking up those MRI files from them and seeing an orthopedic surgeon... so I'm assuming that means I'll be having knee surgery soon. Which I would rather do VERY MUCH SOONER than later. SO Tired of not being able to exercise. I'll be calling the surgeon in the morning! I wish somebody would just tell me whether I needed surgery or not!!!
• Slowly but surely working on house to-do lists... I spent a couple of hours yesterday cutting in paint (SO SICK OF PAINTING) while N installed smoke alarms and weather stripping around the back door. For the first time in six months, there isn't a ceiling fan in a box somewhere waiting to be installed, either! Just three more of these babies
in the last three bedrooms and then we're done with that project, at least! (But hard to justify spending money to replace fans that work just fine with some that are prettier) Gotta get two new outdoor fans for the patio, though, first... N took them old ones down when painting and threw them away rather than putting them back up.
• Spring break is just two weeks away, wow. We don't have any plans yet... anyone want to invite us somewhere? !

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