
I've been tagged.

Okay Bryn, you wanted it, so here you go. 7 random and/or weird things about myself, pass it along, include links to your tags at the bottom:

1. I have a keyboard in my head. When I talk, or listen to other people talk, I imagine the keys on that keyboard ticking away...

2. I am not a gadget person, and I HATE getting things I have to figure out, read a manual on, etc. Any gift that I, or my children, receive, better just "work," or else it was a waste of money. For example:
• The fancy "Amazing Amanda" doll from 2 years ago was given a bath and got ruined before we ever took the time to learn how to train her.
• I have much guilt over the digital picture frame we gave as a gift last year because I never figured out the online uploading thing.
• We have 3 remotes because I don't want to figure out how to set the universal one.
• I have yet to learn how to use my camera, and I don't know how, or care, to do half the things on my computer.
• I don't own an Ipod, and never plan to. I can barely text message.
• I have procrastinated getting a new TV partly because I'm so overwhelmed by the whole pixels/contrast/up-converting/blu-ray/chip/plasma vs. LCD/cables/HDTV thing.

3. I think I look ridiculous in big sunglasses. I am more than happy in my little $10 wire-frame ones from Target. Actually, I think most people look ridiculous in big sunglasses.
4. I would rather listen to talk radio than to music.

5. I would rather have money in the bank than just about anything you could buy me.

6. I favor practicality over style, though I would love to be nominated for "What Not To Wear" to get a set of my own rules from Stacy & Clinton.
7. I don't see the point of: pets, lipstick, DVD players in trucks, wind, flies, or leaf blowers.

Thrilling, wasn't it? I tag Janna, Maren, Amanda, Summer, Emily, Raynie and Starr.


The Dixon Family said...

Gees, you kinda sound like an old fart.

"I am not a gadget person, and I HATE getting things I have to figure out, read a manual on, etc. Any gift that I, or my children, receive, better just "work," or else it was a waste of money."

"I would rather listen to talk radio than to music."

Stephens Family said...

Okay, you and Raynie and the keyboard/clicking teeth together when someone talks. I don't get it!! : ) Hmm, very weird you too!

bryn said...

fun random facts. they made me laugh! thanks for playing along.