
Cooking Classes, anyone?

At Dottie's Kitchen?
Anybody want to carpool???

I'm interested in taking the "It's a Wrap" class this week, either on Wed or Thurs. evening, and then the "Sizzling Summer Salads" next week on the 25th.

I'd like to take the "Whole wheat pocket breads and fillings" on July 10th, also the sandwiches and soups class on July 17th.


Anonymous said...

what's the cost of her class? i'm trying to find it on her website, but her site is having issues.

Scrap Happy said...

Free, if you don't count the cost of gas to get over there!

Alicia said...

I love to learn to cook new things, count me in, as long as they're not on Wednesday (Adam has Scouts).