Looks like my son has inherited my sweet tooth. 'cause MAN, does he love cookies. He can hardly function when he knows there are homemade oreos in the house. Screaming, hysterical, pointing, "DOE! ... DOE!" And no, he's not just content if you hand him ONE. He wants EVERY SINGLE one you made, and will crumble and throw them until he gets what he wants... or gets put in time out. Tonight I made some white chocolate chip macadamia nut, straight out of Nestle's refrigerated bag (not bad!) but it was SUCH a bummer, since Josh wouldn't touch his dinner (Chicken Parmesan courtesy of Sister's Cafe... also a winner) he didn't get any.
Question is... does he really understand me when I say "You HAVE to eat your dinner first!" ? I know he's old enough to get a LOT of things, but that isn't too complex an idea for an almost-2-yr-old, is it?
You DID NOT just put Ring of Fire on your playlist. I must be imagining things. Shellie, I count on your playlist for good music, you are killing me putting Jamie Cullum and Adam Lambert on the same list. Your homemade Oreos, however, we are on the same page about. Delicious.
ok, two things. first, I am with josh in that I also can not function if I know the homemade oreos are in the house. seriously, they may be the death of me. second, instead of you HAVE to eat your dinner first, try: I give cookies to boys who eat their dinner. ah! much better. that, he'll come to understand.
Along with Amberly's comment, I will add he will understand if you ALWAYS follow through on the action and consequence.
Can I have a cookie? Please? Maybe just send the recipe...or bring samples with you in July. I like your new blog topper.
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