Oh Mylanta, I have a lot to do in the next week and a half.
Practice baptism songs on the piano.
Finish baptism invites and send them out.
Get board cut for Super Saturday project (Deirdre - got anything 4" by 24" laying around?)
Finish registering for traffic school.
PTO meeting tonight.
Meet up with Lisa to get vinyl for SS project. Get to Michael's to buy frames while my coupon is good this week. How many do you think I'll need? Hmmm... how many people are going to sign up??
Sign up for produce basket this weekend.
Take cool, close-up photos of my kids this week, edit and print them.
Remember to set the DVR for Flash Forward on Thursday. Looks good...
Find time to finish SS project sample, and figure out a cost. Lisa, how much are you charging me?
Order cupcakes to take into M's classroom on Friday.
Plan b-day party agenda, games, etc.
Rearrange furniture downstairs to make room for a "stage"
Get party favors together for b-day party.
Buy M's gift for party, and figure out somewhere to put it (Amberly's house?).
Decorate the house for b-day party. Pick up red carpet?
Figure out what karaoke songs to offer for b-day party.
Find another adult to help run party (Janna???)
Take cupcakes into M's classroom on Friday.
Get supplies needed to make microphone cake, and frosting, plus candles.
Meet Nonnie and Papa for dinner on Friday night.
Pick up produce basket on Saturday morning.
Have 15 crazies running around my house on Saturday.
Entertain 15 crazies for 3 hours on Saturday.
Go pick up pizza for 15 crazies on Saturday.
Send them all home.
Work on DVD slide show. Get music to go along with it.
Go to D-backs game on Sat. night and try not to fall asleep.
Take finished sample of Super Saturday project to church on Sunday.
Finish programs for baptism and get them printed.
Coordinate musical number for A's baptism, find time for everyone to practice.
Help Grandma with A's dress??
Finish slide show.
Parent-teacher conferences next week. One on Wednesday, one on Thursday.
Early release from school Thursday and Friday.
Take treats into A's classroom next Friday for her birthday.
Arrange to have DVD player & TV for baptism program.
Make sure someone is going to fill the font...