

• Josh has reached the 6-month mark. Only 6 more months of buying formula. Woohoo!
• Josh can hold his own bottle. Good thing, because if he couldn't, the kid would starve.
• Allison can ride her bike without training wheels. She mastered it yesterday.
• I have given up trying to carry Josh around in his carseat. He's too heavy, and I've got too much to carry. As of today, I'm one of those people who takes the stroller into church. I'm fine with it.
• Nick was ordained a high priest today, and was put in as the 1st counselor in the bishopric. So long, for a few years, to our Sundays together. Sigh...


Amberly said...

all good milestones, sounds like an exciting time for your family. congrats to everyone!

The Long Family said...

Congratulations to all those things but especially to Nick. That is really wonderful - you have a really lucky ward!