Welcome, welcome...
to my new craft room! Or in other terms, The.Most.Amazing.Room.You'll.Ever.See. After being inspired by Amy and this post today, I decided not to wait 'til my room was completely finished to show it off. It's been functioning for a month now, and I love it. And hey, let's get real. This clutter all over the counter is minor as to what it has been, could and most certainly will be in the future. Which makes me my insides get all happy, by the by. There is still little bits to be finished, a little quarter round here, a little trim there, a touch up of paint here AND there, but overall I'm thrilled with how it's turning out. I'll take you around the room, from left to right. This monstrous thing on the counter is my ScrapRack, which is a file of all my scrapbook embellishments, rubons, etc... Above it is MOST of my scrapbooking ribbons (which in the future will all be hanging from WHITE pushpins, but this is what I had on hand the day I hung them up)... and above that is my latest addition of my CREATE letters, which I'm thinking I will paint polka dots on to match my curtains. Spacing on the letters is bothering me, just a bit.
Here is my computer corner. Monitor fits nicely under the corner cabinet. All of the cords, routers, etc. are up in the upper cabinet. Imagine my printer stand painted the same green as the stripe above it on the wall. 
This is the motherload, pretty much everything in one shot. Upper cabinets and countertop from wall to wall, with a wonderful length of WORKSPACE. Can I just tell you how great it is to throw some wrapping paper up there and be able to wrap presents so fast? And how great it is to have a place for my sewing machine, without having to lug it downstairs for quick repair projects? LOVE IT! Still deciding whether I want to hang decorative stuff on the wall between uppers & countertops...
My other corner, currently housing the end of my happy birthday banner project, quite nicely, I must add. My two hanging 12x12 paper files roll and fit perfectly in the little nitch down under.
With the help of my lovely friend Lisa, I painted this green stripe all along the walls to continue the stripe of my curtains. I'll probably hang my clock here, eventually.
My fantastic curtains. Polka dot fabric was from Boca Bargoons, green was a special order from Joann's.
My incredible dad built me this bookshelf to house all my scrapbook albums. It is deeper than traditional bookcases, about 16", to accomodate my 12x12 books. It's awesome. Can I say that again? Awesome. There. You know you wish you had a dad like mine.
The sign above my closet doors.
Stripe continues around to the door. This is a calendar that M made me in her preschool class last year.

SO - what do you think? AWESOME, eh? Don't look too closely at my corner seams on the countertops, or how out-of-square the cabinet doors/drawers are... and don't you dare even think about bringing a level over to set on top of the countertop... hee hee! What do you expect? I'm an amateur - but I don't care - I LOVE IT! Yep, I'm never moving from this house, mostly because of this room... It was YEARS in the making, so I have to pinch myself when I think about how wonderfully (and how inexpensively! Thanks CraigsList!) it came together in the end.

This is the motherload, pretty much everything in one shot. Upper cabinets and countertop from wall to wall, with a wonderful length of WORKSPACE. Can I just tell you how great it is to throw some wrapping paper up there and be able to wrap presents so fast? And how great it is to have a place for my sewing machine, without having to lug it downstairs for quick repair projects? LOVE IT! Still deciding whether I want to hang decorative stuff on the wall between uppers & countertops...

My fantastic curtains. Polka dot fabric was from Boca Bargoons, green was a special order from Joann's.

My incredible dad built me this bookshelf to house all my scrapbook albums. It is deeper than traditional bookcases, about 16", to accomodate my 12x12 books. It's awesome. Can I say that again? Awesome. There. You know you wish you had a dad like mine.

The sign above my closet doors.

SO - what do you think? AWESOME, eh? Don't look too closely at my corner seams on the countertops, or how out-of-square the cabinet doors/drawers are... and don't you dare even think about bringing a level over to set on top of the countertop... hee hee! What do you expect? I'm an amateur - but I don't care - I LOVE IT! Yep, I'm never moving from this house, mostly because of this room... It was YEARS in the making, so I have to pinch myself when I think about how wonderfully (and how inexpensively! Thanks CraigsList!) it came together in the end.
Disorganization, and other stuff I've been thinking about
MAN, I can't get my act together. It makes me want to laugh out loud when my friends comment on how "organized" they think I am.
Seems like I can only get ONE room very clean each week, which is not a good pace, considering how many rooms I have in this house. This week, it was my bedroom. Too bad it's a mess again already. Today I was willing my imaginary maid, Fanny McFreeClean, to show up and come help do my chores with me. That snot never showed up.
What the biff. Seems like I used to be able to somewhat keep up. Not so anymore. Can't seem to get to the bottom of the piles to see the floor in the laundry room, and the girls are always lacking socks for school. I beg them to keep their school clothes on each day, so we don't have two sets dirty, but unfortunately I have zero control in the dressing dept.
This week saw another slew of bills that have gone forgotten, and overdue... sigh. Seems I can't get my head around this part of our life the last couple of years.
Maybe if I make a list of everything I want to get done, I could come up with a plan of action. Let's see...
1) get the end of these silly birthday banner kits completed and sell the last couple stragglers, so I can finally give Jackie's cricut back and buy her new blades/mats.
2) order fabric needed for J's quilt from Boca Bargoons. First, lay it all out and figure out exactly how much yardage I need, so I don't buy too much. That stuff's expensive!
3) Clean up and organize new craft room once and for all, including creating a running to-do list for 1/2 completed scrapbook pages. Anybody do this? How? SHould I just get a white board?
4) Sew together Joshy's quilt, then figure out how much it'll be to get it quilted, or, plan B, make Jackie and Deirdre tie it with me.
5) Buy Joshy a twin mattress, and convert his bed to a twin size.
6) Oh, buy J some twin size white sheets.
7) Make plans to convert A's headboard and footboard into a loft bed. Buy and cut and paint wood to make such contraption.
8) Redo SOME room in the house. Watching everyone else move into new houses and start fun home projects makes me totally antsy to paint or do SOMETHING, whether it be just changing the window treatments and paint in my loft, or something downstairs. I'm ready to be rid of the rust/gold/green color scheme down there... I'm thinking light, slip-covered furniture in the front room, like a white/chocolate/green (the green of DR chairs) color scheme, with a painted accent wall, and leather furniture for our family room... any suggestions on colors there? hmmm...
Seems like I can only get ONE room very clean each week, which is not a good pace, considering how many rooms I have in this house. This week, it was my bedroom. Too bad it's a mess again already. Today I was willing my imaginary maid, Fanny McFreeClean, to show up and come help do my chores with me. That snot never showed up.
What the biff. Seems like I used to be able to somewhat keep up. Not so anymore. Can't seem to get to the bottom of the piles to see the floor in the laundry room, and the girls are always lacking socks for school. I beg them to keep their school clothes on each day, so we don't have two sets dirty, but unfortunately I have zero control in the dressing dept.
This week saw another slew of bills that have gone forgotten, and overdue... sigh. Seems I can't get my head around this part of our life the last couple of years.
Maybe if I make a list of everything I want to get done, I could come up with a plan of action. Let's see...
1) get the end of these silly birthday banner kits completed and sell the last couple stragglers, so I can finally give Jackie's cricut back and buy her new blades/mats.
2) order fabric needed for J's quilt from Boca Bargoons. First, lay it all out and figure out exactly how much yardage I need, so I don't buy too much. That stuff's expensive!
3) Clean up and organize new craft room once and for all, including creating a running to-do list for 1/2 completed scrapbook pages. Anybody do this? How? SHould I just get a white board?
4) Sew together Joshy's quilt, then figure out how much it'll be to get it quilted, or, plan B, make Jackie and Deirdre tie it with me.
5) Buy Joshy a twin mattress, and convert his bed to a twin size.
6) Oh, buy J some twin size white sheets.
7) Make plans to convert A's headboard and footboard into a loft bed. Buy and cut and paint wood to make such contraption.
8) Redo SOME room in the house. Watching everyone else move into new houses and start fun home projects makes me totally antsy to paint or do SOMETHING, whether it be just changing the window treatments and paint in my loft, or something downstairs. I'm ready to be rid of the rust/gold/green color scheme down there... I'm thinking light, slip-covered furniture in the front room, like a white/chocolate/green (the green of DR chairs) color scheme, with a painted accent wall, and leather furniture for our family room... any suggestions on colors there? hmmm...
Media overload.
I was just online, adjusting my music playlist, when A came up behind me and asked "Who do YOU think is hotter Mom, ___ or ___ ?
It was a pop-up ad on the side of playlist.com, that I hadn't even noticed... I guess I should be more careful, especially because my children can read!
What was even funnier is that M had an opinion as to which one was hotter.
Congratulations, Carrie.
It was a pop-up ad on the side of playlist.com, that I hadn't even noticed... I guess I should be more careful, especially because my children can read!
What was even funnier is that M had an opinion as to which one was hotter.
Congratulations, Carrie.
Nothing blogworthy.
But I'm blogging, just the same.
Lost two teeth! The first, on July 27th, the next on August 4th. Tooth fairy did a 2-in-1 deal. One of her permanent teeth is coming in, unfortunately, way crooked - we may have to get teeth pulled out of this girl, too, to make room for them. Sigh.
Has a dentist appt. to get a bunch of cavities filled this week. NOT looking forward to that - yikes.
Isn't crazy about school, mostly because it's so hot. I'm hoping the attitude will change a bit when the temperature does. She's not so fond of practicing writing on her homework, either.
Wears a skirt to school almost every day. Looks super cute in school uniforms. Her hair, however, is a different story. Mommy's all but given up on trying to fix it.
Won't EAT! It's making me crazy. His independent streak makes him think he can just push a stool over, climb up, and get whatever kind of snacks he wants from the pantry or fridge, and not have to eat what we're having for dinner. He goes to bed hungry most nights - please don't call CPS.
Is only in the 10th percentile in both height and weight, and still wearing last summer's clothes.
Says lots of words, but is not pronouncing them correctly, nor is he putting any words together. Doc says if it hasn't improved in a couple of months, he will need to be evaluated.
Is still the cutest, most fun kid we've got around here. He is a joy to be around.
Is super into gymnastics lately. She has really gotten pretty good at doing handstands and practices all the time.
Is playing on the Poptropica website every spare minute, plus lots of minutes she's supposed to be doing other things, you know, like eating, bathing, homework... whenever she and Bronsen or Izzy get together, they actually discuss strategy. It's hilarious.
Is debating whether to do swim team this fall, or stay in gymnastics, because Mommy's only paying for one activity. Anyone have any opinions on swim team at the Y?
Was way late to church today, because the girls were out in the car listening to music (Def Leppard, to be exact), and by the time I got out there to leave for church, my battery was dead. Daddy had to come home and rescue us!
Is enjoying taking naps every day when J does, while the girls are at school. Really.
Is almost done with my craft room. It's a beautiful thing that I need to straighten up and take pictures of, so I can share them with y'all.
Has not had a home phone in over a month, and doesn't miss it a bit. If you want me, email me.
Is getting a new email address in a couple of weeks. Instead of what it is, at qwest.net, it will be what it is, at q.com. Got it?
Needs to sign up for the scrapbook convention in October. Anyone want to go with me??
Has several more kits for the happy birthday banner, if anyone wants them. I might even be persuaded to put it together for you, for a fee.
Is hometeaching right now, and it's not even the last Sunday of the month. What the?
Is coming to kickboxing on Friday. Should be fun!
Is great at doing laundry. And grilling chicken.
Is still the favorite of the girls, and beginning to be J's favorite now too. The girls will wait around for hours on Sundays just for the chance to drive home with him, instead of Mommy.
Lost two teeth! The first, on July 27th, the next on August 4th. Tooth fairy did a 2-in-1 deal. One of her permanent teeth is coming in, unfortunately, way crooked - we may have to get teeth pulled out of this girl, too, to make room for them. Sigh.
Has a dentist appt. to get a bunch of cavities filled this week. NOT looking forward to that - yikes.
Isn't crazy about school, mostly because it's so hot. I'm hoping the attitude will change a bit when the temperature does. She's not so fond of practicing writing on her homework, either.
Wears a skirt to school almost every day. Looks super cute in school uniforms. Her hair, however, is a different story. Mommy's all but given up on trying to fix it.
Won't EAT! It's making me crazy. His independent streak makes him think he can just push a stool over, climb up, and get whatever kind of snacks he wants from the pantry or fridge, and not have to eat what we're having for dinner. He goes to bed hungry most nights - please don't call CPS.
Is only in the 10th percentile in both height and weight, and still wearing last summer's clothes.
Says lots of words, but is not pronouncing them correctly, nor is he putting any words together. Doc says if it hasn't improved in a couple of months, he will need to be evaluated.
Is still the cutest, most fun kid we've got around here. He is a joy to be around.
Is super into gymnastics lately. She has really gotten pretty good at doing handstands and practices all the time.
Is playing on the Poptropica website every spare minute, plus lots of minutes she's supposed to be doing other things, you know, like eating, bathing, homework... whenever she and Bronsen or Izzy get together, they actually discuss strategy. It's hilarious.
Is debating whether to do swim team this fall, or stay in gymnastics, because Mommy's only paying for one activity. Anyone have any opinions on swim team at the Y?
Was way late to church today, because the girls were out in the car listening to music (Def Leppard, to be exact), and by the time I got out there to leave for church, my battery was dead. Daddy had to come home and rescue us!
Is enjoying taking naps every day when J does, while the girls are at school. Really.
Is almost done with my craft room. It's a beautiful thing that I need to straighten up and take pictures of, so I can share them with y'all.
Has not had a home phone in over a month, and doesn't miss it a bit. If you want me, email me.
Is getting a new email address in a couple of weeks. Instead of what it is, at qwest.net, it will be what it is, at q.com. Got it?
Needs to sign up for the scrapbook convention in October. Anyone want to go with me??
Has several more kits for the happy birthday banner, if anyone wants them. I might even be persuaded to put it together for you, for a fee.
Is hometeaching right now, and it's not even the last Sunday of the month. What the?
Is coming to kickboxing on Friday. Should be fun!
Is great at doing laundry. And grilling chicken.
Is still the favorite of the girls, and beginning to be J's favorite now too. The girls will wait around for hours on Sundays just for the chance to drive home with him, instead of Mommy.
Happy Birthday Banner - Last Chance!
Okay, so this is super late to be posting this, but I JUST got a picture taken.
We are making THESE at my house on Thursday night. Click on the photo to see it ginormous.
If you want one, speak up now or forever hold your peace. I'm not having this project drag on for weeks as some of my others have done...and I'm cutting all the kits tomorrow. Here's a closeup. Note all the different layers, and the CHIPBOARD backing. This is super sturdy, and I'm planning to be able to use mine year after year!
Oh, and show me the money. It's $10 for this little beauty, plus you need to bring your OWN ADHESIVE.
We are making THESE at my house on Thursday night. Click on the photo to see it ginormous.
Oh, and show me the money. It's $10 for this little beauty, plus you need to bring your OWN ADHESIVE.
First Day of School! First Day of School!
Get up Dad! First Day of School! {Name that Disney movie}
Well, it's come and gone now. I think my 7-yr-old was up at 5:30 on Monday because she was so excited. She changed clothes 2 or 3 times, too...
What did my 5-yr-old have to say about the first day of school?
"Kindergarten is HOT. I was sweaty ALL DAY."
Was J sad to leave without his sisters? No, he was just sad to leave without their water bottles...
Well, it's come and gone now. I think my 7-yr-old was up at 5:30 on Monday because she was so excited. She changed clothes 2 or 3 times, too...

What did my 5-yr-old have to say about the first day of school?
"Kindergarten is HOT. I was sweaty ALL DAY."
Was J sad to leave without his sisters? No, he was just sad to leave without their water bottles...

Seaworld 09 - Catching Up

1. Having multi-day passes to SeaWorld is GREAT! You absolutely can't see and do everything in one day. I had no idea there were white whales and polar bears there too... and sharks, and, and...

2. You shouldn't split up without two working cell phones. You'll never find eachother again.
3. My girls are SO not into getting wet on rides.
4. I could get much better pictures if I sat in the "splash zones". I need to take a poncho next time in order to do just that!
5. The 4-D Sesame Street show is actually worth the wait in line.
6. My girls could have spent all day at the tidepools. They were fascinated and wanted to touch everything.

7. My 2-year-old loved the penguins, but couldn't have cared less for Shamu this year.
8. Puffins are awesome.
9. So is the Sea Lions Tonite show.

Life's a Beach - Catching Up

Things I learned:
1. Huntington Beach is no Newport.
2. 2-yr-olds love to chase seagulls. J cackled every time he'd run after them.
3. 5 and 7-yr-olds are light, and can pop up on a boogie board no problem. Both girls were great at riding the waves. Nope, no pictures of them, darnit.
4. I've gotten to the point where I would rather sit under an umbrella and read, rather than get a salt water nasal flush trying to boogie board.
5. My 7-yr-old can make friends wherever she goes.
6. The girls have discovered the wonders of getting buried in the sand, and loved to bury Daddy.
7.You can't take any sort of food whatsoever to the beach and expect your 2-yr-old not to get sand in it.
8. Baby powder is a wondrous invention for removing sand from everything and everybody.

Restaurant Gift Certificates - FREE GIVEAWAY!
I bought several $25 gift certificates a year ago - and they all expire on Saturday - so of course we won't have the opportunity to use them all. Speak up NOW if you want one, and I'll either print it out for you or tell you how to get into my account.
Most require that you spend $35, and then you get the $25 off. Quite a deal - four of us ate at Gallagher's on Saturday for $11.
I just don't want them to go to waste! Comment on which restaurant you want to go out to this weekend and I'll hook you up with the cert!
Bamboo Club in the Tempe Brickyard - I have THREE of these.
Armadillo Grill - Phoenix
Baby Kay's Cajun Kitchen - Biltmore area, Phoenix - we have THREE of these. I think on this one you have to spend $50 to use the certificate.
Windows on the Green - Scottsdale - THREE available.
OC Seven Restaurant at The Scottsdale Resort
Most require that you spend $35, and then you get the $25 off. Quite a deal - four of us ate at Gallagher's on Saturday for $11.
I just don't want them to go to waste! Comment on which restaurant you want to go out to this weekend and I'll hook you up with the cert!
Bamboo Club in the Tempe Brickyard - I have THREE of these.
Armadillo Grill - Phoenix
Baby Kay's Cajun Kitchen - Biltmore area, Phoenix - we have THREE of these. I think on this one you have to spend $50 to use the certificate.
Windows on the Green - Scottsdale - THREE available.
OC Seven Restaurant at The Scottsdale Resort
Cash for Clunkers,
or as I call it, Cash for Crazy People. Do not look at the man behind the curtain!
Since putting down quite a chunk of change last week to fix my car, I have, of course, been thinking about finances a lot lately. Sparky's 6 years old now, and we've thought about replacing him - but until repairs are costing me more than a car payment would each month, I don't see that as a wise decision.
This $4500 deal from our already-broke government makes me want to pound my head against the wall. To hear people comment on the radio today about how great this is for our economy, and for the auto industry, made me want to shout out loud. How many more billions of dollars of debt is our nation going to take on? My GOODNESS, people are foreclosing left and right, and yet they're expected to be able to afford a new car payment?
Why do they think they're "greening" up for the environment? Somebody else is going to turn around and buy those clunkers and drive them around on our roads, aren't they? Am I missing something?
Seems like, they're just encouraging people to go out and get into way more debt than they can afford, buying a new car... Maybe that's why they're driving clunkers in the first place? Ya think? So instead of making an economical decision, and possibly buying a good used car, they're getting bribed into buying something brand new...
Remind you of some great housing deals, a few years ago? Perhaps? With lots of great incentives and mortgage deals to help you buy that brand new house you "need" and "deserve"? That turned out great, didn't it?
What's next, rebates and stimulus packages from the government to help you buy new shoes? Because for sure, the shoe industry will eventually feel a pinch too, right?
Where does the madness stop?
Since putting down quite a chunk of change last week to fix my car, I have, of course, been thinking about finances a lot lately. Sparky's 6 years old now, and we've thought about replacing him - but until repairs are costing me more than a car payment would each month, I don't see that as a wise decision.
This $4500 deal from our already-broke government makes me want to pound my head against the wall. To hear people comment on the radio today about how great this is for our economy, and for the auto industry, made me want to shout out loud. How many more billions of dollars of debt is our nation going to take on? My GOODNESS, people are foreclosing left and right, and yet they're expected to be able to afford a new car payment?
Why do they think they're "greening" up for the environment? Somebody else is going to turn around and buy those clunkers and drive them around on our roads, aren't they? Am I missing something?
Seems like, they're just encouraging people to go out and get into way more debt than they can afford, buying a new car... Maybe that's why they're driving clunkers in the first place? Ya think? So instead of making an economical decision, and possibly buying a good used car, they're getting bribed into buying something brand new...
Remind you of some great housing deals, a few years ago? Perhaps? With lots of great incentives and mortgage deals to help you buy that brand new house you "need" and "deserve"? That turned out great, didn't it?
What's next, rebates and stimulus packages from the government to help you buy new shoes? Because for sure, the shoe industry will eventually feel a pinch too, right?
Where does the madness stop?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love ya, tomorrow...
After yet another dinner ordeal (seriously, is taking ONE BITE of mashed potatoes so hard when you'll be getting ice cream afterward? Sheesh!) I'm so looking forward to tomorrow morning! The day's plans, while may not be thrilling for you, sound like bliss to me...
1. Drop both girls off at school - yeehaw!
2. Play volleyball without any 7-yr-olds bugging to play, or any 5-year-olds getting into arguments and fights with any other kids, and without having to search for water bottles and game pieces all over the church.
3. Come home, eat whatever the heck I want for lunch.
4. Not listening to whining.
5. One word. NAPS. As in plural.
6. Catch up on Desperate Housewives.
7. Clean without interruption.
After yet another dinner ordeal (seriously, is taking ONE BITE of mashed potatoes so hard when you'll be getting ice cream afterward? Sheesh!) I'm so looking forward to tomorrow morning! The day's plans, while may not be thrilling for you, sound like bliss to me...
1. Drop both girls off at school - yeehaw!
2. Play volleyball without any 7-yr-olds bugging to play, or any 5-year-olds getting into arguments and fights with any other kids, and without having to search for water bottles and game pieces all over the church.
3. Come home, eat whatever the heck I want for lunch.
4. Not listening to whining.
5. One word. NAPS. As in plural.
6. Catch up on Desperate Housewives.
7. Clean without interruption.
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