
Do I have blog stalkers?

Well, I think we ALL know the answer to that one. It would be nice, however, if some of you would share your own blog addresses so I can stalk you too! Cousins, long-lost acquaintances, aunts, hairstylists... you know who you are!


Margaret said...

You know I am a blog stalker!! And I am not afraid to admit it!! I love your blog!! Thank you for letting me peek into your life!! It is so fun to see what your kids
are doing and how fast they are growing and how fun your activities are!!!

Kim said...

I am a blog stalker but haven't been able to find anyone's until today. Glad i found it. Your kids are so cute!

Marianne said...
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Marianne said...

"Blog stalking" sounds so ugly...I prefer "blog surfing"! :) But seriously, if I had a blog I'd share it with you and everyone else who feels that I'm getting something for nothing (looking at blogs but not sharing my own). I think our family is missing a major component in order to blog....kids. As of yet, none have joined our home. So, until then....I'll just continue stalk....I mean, surfing and reading about others! Well, until they make it private because they get paranoid about stalkers....go figure!

Holly and Ryan said...

Blog stocker = family/friends in another state. I love your recipes. Thanks for sharing your recipes and lives. Your blog is great. In case you want to keep in touch (blog stock)... www.hollyandryan.blogspot.com

Holly and Ryan said...

Oops...I meant

The Whittier Family said...

I am a stalker. I am one of Nick's old Missionary Comp's. You guys are all doing so well. It is good to get a glimps into your lives.